Monday, February 29, 2016

Special MPA rehearsals!

Don't forget that our Concert band members (and a few fellow Show Band members) will have a few special pre-MPA rehearsals after school this week and next.  Rehearsals will begin at 3:30PM and end promptly at 4:30PM.  Parents; please try to pick up students as close to 4:30 as possible. We have had some after school rehearsals that have kept students and directors at the school till close to 6:00 waiting on pick up.

This weeks rehearsals will be on Tuesday March 1st and Thursday March 3rd.  Next week we will meet on Monday March 7th.

We will have special guest judges this week so please be prepared to play your best and receive critique from our judges.

We perform at MPA (First Baptist Church, S Perry St.) on Tuesday March 8th at 2:30PM in the main sanctuary.  Parents can attend the MPA performance if they would like.

*We will be finished with our sight reading by 3:30PM*

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